Certicom Device Certification Authority For Zigbee Smart Energy
Elliptic Curve Cryptography Offers Trusted and Reliable Security for Utility Companies and Meter Manufacturers Worldwide.
Certicom's ZigBee Smart Energy certificate service issues ZigBee Smart Energy certificates to manufacturers whose products are certified by the ZigBee Alliance. The ZigBee Smart Energy PKI uses Elliptic Curve Qu Vanstone (ECQV) implicit certificates, which serve as an identity certificate for each ZigBee Smart Energy device as it gets enrolled on the network. Each certificate binds a device MAC address and manufacturing identifier to an ECC key pair, allowing the device to uniquely authenticate itself to the network using its private key. Elliptic Curve Cryptography enables the device to perform efficient and secure authenticated key agreement and perform digital signature operations.
Certicom provides a root of trust for all ZigBee Smart Energy devices, enhancing out-of-the-box interoperability and security, lowering the total cost of ownership for utilities and metering companies while ensuring the integrity of the utility network.
Certicom Device Authentication Service for ZigBee Smart Energy
Certicom Device Authentication Service for ZigBee Smart Energy
Companies with ZigBee Smart Energy Certified products can register for production certificates.

ZigBee Test Certificates
Companies developing ZigBee Smart Energy products that require certificates for internal development and internal purposes can register for test certificates.
To Login to the ZigBee 1.0 Test Certificate » click here »
To Login to the ZigBee 1.2 Test Certificate » click here »
ZigBee Toolkits
Companies developing ZigBee Smart Energy products can get a head start on adding standards based security with Certicom's Security Builder MCE toolkits. Based on knowledge that has been accumulated over the past 20 years, these highly optimized toolkits allow companies to seamlessly add efficient interoperable security for the ZigBee Smart Energy Profile. To apply for a free ZigBee Toolkit license please follow the link: Certicom ZigBee SDK License Registration Form.
Report an Issue
To report a security issue to the Certicom team, please email certicomsecurity@blackberry.com with details of the issue.